Working conditions and social security

Working conditions and social security

As a public employer, INRAE offers its employees a professional environment governed by statutory rules. It also strives to create stimulating working conditions and promote values of openness, respect, support, and solidarity throughout the organisation.
Ampoule-label HR

Human resources policy at INRAE places a particular emphasis on the quality of life at work. As such, ongoing policy action at INRAE addresses both the individual in their professional environment, and the workforce as a whole, in the interests of the INRAE community. Both are of equal importance and participate in developing the well-being of each individual.

Key aspects include a dynamic social policy, a voluntary disability policy, the prevention of professional risks including psychosocial ones, the promotion of diversity and gender equality, support for new working arrangements including training for managers and team support.



INRAE employees are beneficiaries of the French national health insurance scheme, which provides minimum social provisions for health care expenses (illness, maternity leave) but also for accidents at work, death, disability, and pensions. This protection includes the spouse and children.

Job security

After successful completion of the selection process, employees are given a permanent position and are thus guaranteed job security throughout their career.



Vignette-plaquette politique sociale

Committed to the notion of collective solidarity, the Institute develops a social policy with a varied service offer to meet the needs of its employees in both their professional and personal lives.

The panel of services proposed includes:

- Child benefits: financial support for childcare, guaranteed day care availability, financial support for parents with disabled children and for summer camps and holiday clubs.

- Holidays and leisure benefits: holiday vouchers, discounts on holiday accommodation, sporting events and the organisation of trips.

- Social support: a network of social workers listens to, advises and supports INRAE employees who so wish, assisting them with various procedures and searching for solutions to professional, personal or economic problems. INRAE also proposes financial support in case of unforeseen family or medical issues.

Social policy handbook: Cultivating a sense of well-being


Association of
Social Activities of Inra (ADAS-INRAE)


As a public organisation, INRAE does not have a works council. The aim of the Association of Social Activities (ADAS-INRAE), partner of the Institute, is to promote and organise various social, sports and cultural events with active and retired INRAE staff. These events contribute to a good work-life balance and foster cohesion and a sense of community among all staff.  The functioning of the association is based on the commitment of more than 500 volunteers in the 51 local sections, its 32 national administrators and its 10 salaried employees.


- ADAS-INRAE website (In French only)

Paid leave and organisation of working hours

Staff working full time at INRAE have 30 days of paid leave in addition to the possibility of 15 days off to compensate for overtime and can adapt their working hours for personal, major events such as the birth of a child or a medical problem.



Vignette-plaquette handicap

INRAE has been committed to a voluntary approach for several years. The Institute is actively involved in the inclusion of people with disabilities and is developing an overall policy on the issue in order to support employees throughout their careers (recruitment, job integration, and stability).

INRAE ensures the long-term integration of employees with disabilities regardless of how they are recruited, as well as the continued employment of employees with a progressive disability or a disability that develops during their career. The objective pursued by the Institute is to assess all possible measures to offset the disabilities of the employees in terms of workstation arrangements, human assistance, and accessibility:

- workstation equipment (ergonomic chairs, adjustable-height desks, etc.)
- safety equipment (installation of warning lights, machine security, fire prevention/alarms, etc.)
- adapted transport to and from work
- technical assistance (adapted telephones, voice recognition software, etc.)
- specific equipment for work in the laboratory or at experimental sites (electric stackers, electric carts, etc.)
- personal equipment necessary to perform one’s job (hearing aids, wheelchairs, etc.)
- the fitting out of personal and professional vehicles
- work site accessibility (automatic doors, evacuation chairs, etc.)
- digital accessibility (specific applications, internet access, etc.).

- INRAE brochure - Accessible to all your aspirations


Prevention of occupational risks

INRAE implements an occupational risk prevention policy to ensure workplace health and safety. A legal obligation, these measures are also beneficial to improving working conditions and providing employees a safer and healthier environment, which improves the quality of life at work. 

Our occupational health and safety policy focuses on the following key priorities:

- identify and comply with current regulations and requirements as they apply to the Institute
- assess possible risks for people, property and the environment
- work to continuously improve risk management
- reduce risk impact in line with the Institute’s SER strategy
- take the necessary measures to prevent and manage risk in the event of an accident or other event
- ensure that prevention needs are accounted for in all processes, whether scientific or related to research support, including the onboarding of newcomers.

Promotion of diversity and equality



INRAE is fully committed to the dual Diversity–Equality certification initiative aimed at preventing discrimination and violence in the workplace, promoting equality and inclusion in a proactive approach to openness and recognition of differences, as well as facilitating the work-life balance of its teams. The initiative is based on two national multi-year action plans led by INRAE’s executive management team and implemented locally by networks of representatives at the Institute’s 18 centres across France.


INRAE’s achievements and action plans in promoting diversity and equality earned it dual Diversity and Professional Equality AFNOR certification. Four centres qualified in January 2020, and all eighteen centres qualified by end 2021.


Sustaining this initiative in the long term is a key objective at INRAE, made possible by successful ongoing efforts in raising awareness, training and communication combined with updated HR processes for greater transparency, rigorous monitoring of gender equality at key stages in a career, the creation of an external special unit and a strengthened disability policy.


> Diversity and Inclusion - Action Plan [2021-2024]
> Gender equality in the workplace - Action Plan [2020 - 2023]


new working

To accommodate new trends in society and facilitate work-life balance, INRAE has implemented remote working schemes which allow employees to work outside of their usual environment. This option is available to all permanent and contractual staff whose activities can be carried out remotely (in whole or in part) without disrupting the functioning of their team.  

Full-time employees in temporary and permanent positions qualify for up to 144 days per year to accommodate personal or professional needs. To ensure that the Institute remains a place of social interaction and team building, staff members must work on-site at least two days a week (or obtain approval for their absence on a regular basis).

An e-learning platform has been created to help staff decide whether or not to work from home. Similarly, a brochure is available to help employees avoid pitfalls and enjoy a successful work-from-home experience. Training courses on remote team management are also offered.

A flat-rate allowance is paid to staff working from home to help cover food and energy costs.

Modification date: 19 February 2024 | Publication date: 04 June 2018 | By: DRH - Service Attractivité et communication RH